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Is Reb A sweet enough for most application areas?

Generally yes, however RA should be used with other sweeteners together in some special cases.
The Maximum Sweetness perception of stevia is 8.7% in sucrose equivalence (%SE) in water. It is sweet enough for most application areas in Europe. For Cola in Europe, % SE is about 7.5%. So, it’s possible to develop sugar-free recipe with only stevia as sweetener.
Maximum Sweetness perception of High Potency Sweeteners in Sucrose
Equivalence (%SE) in Water
Is Reb A sweet enough for most application areas?
But in some special cases, like Cola or fruit-Cola In US, the % SE is above 10% , even up to 20%. It’s very hard to reach such high sweetness by only using RA (especially for RA97) as sweetener. Some other sweet ingredients like Erythritol, Isomalt are essential. The alternatives are listed in below list.
Synergism of RebA and Stevioside with Other Sweeteners
Is Reb A sweet enough for most application areas?
Source: S.Schffman et al.,Chem.Senses. 2000.25. 131-140;Food Quality and Prefer. 2006.
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